Thursday 25 June 2009

Exploration of British Film- Working Titles Shaun of the Dead O Brother Where art thou The Boat that rocked

The three films above are all films that are produced by the British film production company Working Title Films. The company is based in London and was founded by Tim Beven and Sarah Radclyffe in 1982.
I have chosen to explore the Shaun of the Dead website as it goes very well with the trailer, the layout of the website is made to look like the inside of a pub, just like the one in the film, it is very state of the art and people who have not seen the film with get the general idea from the website and the trailer.
The same goes for The Boat that rocked website, the theme of the website goes with the film, the background looks like the floor of the boat and retro symbols appear when you click on certain areas of the site. Looking at these two websites has given me an Idea of how my website should look for the film trailer that I will make. For instance, if I was making a horror movie I would make the website dark and horror like.
Looking at trailers, especially the one for O Brother where art thou, which I have not seen has helped me get an idea of what needs to be included in a film trailer, for instance whats important to put in, the audience needs to get to grips with the general plot in order for them to want to go an see it. The trailer included personality's of characters and showed us the time period of it's setting.
Overall looking at the three films have helped me to understand what I need to do for my own project.

1 comment:

Michael Wroe said...

Good exploration of teaser trailers and Working Title with consideratin of websites too - where is key terminlogyfor websites, including UGC etc?