Sunday 7 December 2008

Evaluation Of Preliminary Task

For our Preliminary task we had to practice camera skills such as the 180 degree rule, The shot reverse shot and a match on action sequence.
In my group of four, Helena, Sam, Kate and myself we all took different roles, we all worked together on story boarding, but Helena and Sam concentrated on character movement whereas Kate and I worked out how the camera would move.
The positives of working in a group was that we all had idea's and could share out the work e.g drawing up the story board, taking a photographic story board, finding a room to shoot in, and charging and generally looking after the camera. It was good learning how to use the apple mac's and the program Imovie because it saved time for when we did our official coursework task.
Although learning to use the apple mac's was a good thing that will help us later on in our work, it was also a very time consuming experience, we had trouble working out how to upload the footage onto the computers. We also had problems with our last shot, because we didn't have the correct equipment, we needed a dolly, but I feel that all the negatives can be used to help us in official task where I will be working with Helena.

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