Monday 6 July 2009

Get Carter vs The Italian Job

Get Carter and The Italian job are both film staring Micheal Caine. My reactions toward the two films are very different, The Italian Job being a film which has an almost positive approach to crime whereas Get Carter is quite shocking, very violent, it doesn't make crime seem glamorous like in the Italian Job, it is very different, Micheal Caine plays Jack Carter, a character who is set out to kill people as revenge for the death of his brother, he is heartless and kills anybody who gets in his way. The film was made more shocking perhaps after watching The Italian job as The Italian Job is a soft friendly type of film, Caines character in the film is humorous and lovable. The opposite is said for Jack Carter. When Get Carter was first released it got very bad reviews, people found it very shocking as it was made in 1971, it was a one of a kind gangster movie that people were not used to. "soulless and nastily erotic...virtuoso viciousness", "sado-masochistic fantasy", and "one would rather wash one's mouth out with soap than recommend it" are all examples of what people thought of the film at the time. As the film has been re-reviewed it has been noticed as one of the best British gangster films of all time. "Possibly Caine's finest hour in one of the grittiest, most suspense-filled crime dramas of all time." and was given 5 stars from Empire magazine.